Starting Your Job Search in the New Year? How FurstStaffing Can Help 

Looking for a job is hard work. It can be challenging to find a new position that helps you advance your career while also making more money—and to look for that new job while still working and living your life can feel like being pulled in many directions at once.  The good news is you […]

How Seasonal Roles in Warehouse and Distribution Can Lead to Permanent Jobs

This time of year, companies are looking for all the extra help they can get (and afford). It’s the busiest time of year in warehouse and distribution companies, filling orders and moving products around the country and the world at such a rapid pace that they often look to hire seasonal employees to help keep […]

How to Re-enter the Workforce with Confidence

If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, you might be nervous when it comes to finding a new job. Life is full of twists and turns — if nothing else, the pandemic of a few years ago reminded all of us that nothing is ever foolproof or guaranteed, and unthinkable things can […]

Continuing Your Career Growth: 4 Tips to Keep Advancing

You know the old advice to learn something new every day? That’s not just good advice to keep your mind sharp; it’s a great way to help boost your career as well. The more you learn, the more skills and abilities you’ll develop, and that’s just what managers are looking for when it comes time to […]

Landing the Right Job: Don’t Sell Yourself Short in the Application Process

The job searching process can be such a long, stressful one: You’re writing and reviewing your resume over and over again, trying to stand out but after a few different revisions, it can all feel overwhelming and a little repetitious.  It’s ok to take a break from time to time! The most important thing you […]

Mastering the Phone Interview: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

At FurstStaffing, we understand that phone interviews are often the first step in the hiring process, and mastering this crucial stage can greatly increase your chances of success. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to enhance your phone interview skills, ensuring a successful hiring process. With our expertise by […]