This time of year, companies are looking for all the extra help they can get (and afford). It’s the busiest time of year in warehouse and distribution companies, filling orders and moving products around the country and the world at such a rapid pace that they often look to hire seasonal employees to help keep things running as smoothly as possible.
When you’re hired on as a seasonal employee, the understanding is that this job is temporary and will only last a few weeks, maybe a couple of months. But if you find that this job is exactly what you’ve been looking for, it might be possible to help work your way into a full-time permanent position!
Here’s how your seasonal job in a warehouse or distribution center could become your new full-time job.
Show up on time.
Managers notice who comes in on time and who’s always late. The best way to make a great impression is to be there when you’re needed, ready to work when your shift starts. If that means you need to get there a couple of minutes early so you’re at your appointed workstation when your shift begins, make that happen!
Pay close attention during training and ask questions in the moment.
If you’ve worked in this kind of job before, you probably know most of what you need to do to be successful. But if there’s something you don’t understand, ask right away. This shows that you’re interested and invested in doing the job correctly, not just going through the motions, and it shows that you’d rather ask now than fake it and possibly make mistakes later. These are admirable qualities and ones that managers respect — it’s what makes a great team member!
Offer to help.
If there’s extra work to be done on top of the extra work you were hired to do, raise your hand. Team players will get in their managers’ good graces and will further remind your boss that you’re someone they should want to keep on their payroll after this seasonal placement ends. Be the person who has a reputation of being reliable, competent, eager to help, and ready to step in when there’s a need.
Talk about it!
If you’re enjoying the position, and doing a good job, let people know you’d like to stay on. Ask your manager or supervisor if there are any open positions available or if they might be looking to hire permanent employees after the start of the new year. Tell your coworkers that you’d like to join them permanently. Ask others in the company if anyone else has ever started as a temporary or seasonal employee but stayed on permanently. Letting people know you’re interested in joining them can only help – if people don’t know, they won’t consider you in the future! And don’t get discouraged if the answer is no, initially. Something might change down the road and your name could be at the top of the list.
Leave your station clean.
This is such a busy time of year that you might find yourself really tired at the end of your shift. Before you punch out at the end of the day, take a few minutes to make sure the area where you’re working is neat and tidy. Put away things that were used during your shift so they’ll be in the right place when you return the next day. This is especially important if you share a space; you don’t want to make someone else clean up your mess, so leaving a tidy workspace for someone else can be greatly appreciated during busy times. This shows that you’re a considerate, thoughtful coworker who respects their team’s time and space and helps you stand out as a team player.
On your last day, if there are no permanent positions available right now, leave a thank you note with your supervisor, manager, and anyone else you’ve worked with who has a voice in hiring decisions. Tell them you’ve appreciated and enjoyed the opportunity and would like to come back when the opportunity arises. Provide them with your contact information and encourage them to stay in touch. Bosses remember the people who served them well and performed a temporary job as if it were their permanent position; they want to retain good employees and if you’ve acted as such, your phone will likely ring as soon as possible!
Get in Touch with Our Recruiters Today!
If you’d like more advice on how to advance your career or if you need to find another temporary or seasonal job until you land a permanent one, it’s time to call FurstStaffing. Our recruiters can help you find a warehouse or distribution center job by reviewing what our clients are looking for and who’s hiring — you can take a look at our job board and see if anything stands out — and we can put in a good word for you with hiring managers when the time comes. When you’re ready to take the next step, give FurstStaffing a call!