Landing the Right Job: Don’t Sell Yourself Short in the Application Process

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The job searching process can be such a long, stressful one: You’re writing and reviewing your resume over and over again, trying to stand out but after a few different revisions, it can all feel overwhelming and a little repetitious. 

It’s ok to take a break from time to time! The most important thing you can, and should, do when applying to jobs is to write with a clear mind and focus on the keywords used in the job description to make sure you’re tailoring your resume to each specific job. What you don’t want to do is miss out on an opportunity because you glossed over the skills that could make you a great fit for the job. 

Here are some key focus points when crafting your resume:

  • Take your time and focus.

    A good resume is your ticket to a second look. Give yourself time and space to do a careful, well-thought-out resume, listing your skills, abilities, experiences, and qualifications. It could take up more time than you expect, but if it lands you your dream job, isn’t that a worthy investment in yourself? 

  • Read the job description and posting carefully.

    Take note of what abilities, experiences, and skills are stressed and maybe even repeated in the posting to understand what the most important qualifications are, and then write your resume and cover letter so that your expertise in those areas is highlighted. Some posts might even have keywords identified and listed at the bottom; many companies are using AI to help sort applications into digitally accepted and rejected files, and including certain terms inside your resume can help set you apart. 

  • Be efficient and direct.

    The average HR manager or employer might look at each resume for only a few seconds before moving on to the next. You want to make sure you’re hitting your key points and calling out your skills in a way that makes them easy to see in a quick scan. Bulleted lists are your best tool here as they break up a page full of text into digestible pieces, catching the reviewer’s eye and showing off what they need to know quickly. Putting key information in bold font can help as well. 

  • Don’t sell yourself short.

    If you’re a newer employee, you might not think you have all that much experience to talk about. If you’ve been around for a while, you might not want to come across as set in your ways or out of touch with what’s new in your field. This is why it’s important to take the time to put your resume together thoughtfully and carefully. Call out all your important skills that relate exactly to this job to show that you are a great fit for this role.

Writing a different resume for every job you apply to might sound tedious, and sometimes it can be. But it’s worth taking the extra time to do so. It shows a company that you cared enough to take the time to tailor your resume to them. You’ll be happy you did when you get the interview! 

For over 50 years, Furststaffing has been dedicated to helping great companies find strong clients for their open positions, which we’re proud of and enjoy doing. If you’d like more insight on what employers are looking for in successful resumes and applications, give us a call today to talk with one of our experts. Take a look at our job board and see what positions are available and let us know what you like! When you’re ready to find a great new job, give Furststaffing a call.



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